Prof. Dr. Gernot Heisenberg

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Prof. Dr. Gernot Heisenberg


Gernot Heisenberg is Professor for Data Analytics and Information Research at the Institute of Information Science at TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences). He teaches courses on Machine Learning / Deep Learning and Data Analytics. He continuously researches and publishes on data analytic issues as well as classification and regression problems in the machine learning (deep learning) environment, all coming from business and public sector related questions such as food security or process mining.

  • Claudiusstraße 1, 50678 Köln
  • +49 221-8275-3389


Peer-reviewed conference papers

  • R. Rocha Lima Filho, G. Heisenberg, R. Wirtz, L. Koeritz, L. Caspersen, S. Wöhrle (2020): PREFECT – Development and Evaluation of a prediction model for the probability of famine catastrophes using data analytics techniques, Accepted for the 2020 MIT SCALE Latin American Conference, MIT, Cambridge, MA, U.S., 2021
  • G. Heisenberg, L. Caspersen, S. Wöhrle, R. Ivo da Rocha Lima Filho (2020): Deep learning approach for the prediction of food insecurity, In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Global Food Security, December 2020, Montpellier, France
  • G. Heisenberg, L. Caspersen, S. Wöhrle, R. Ivo da Rocha Lima Filho (2019): Combining socio-economic and remote sensing data for food insecurity prediction using neural networks, In Proceedings of German-Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable Development, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
  • C. Zabel, G. Heisenberg (2018): Evolution of Media Clusters: The Virtual and Augmented Reality Ecosystem in North-Rhine-Westphalia/Germany, In Proceedings of 13th World Media Economics and Management Conference 2018, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-9 May 2018
  • G. Heisenberg, M. Ketter, K. Heller, M. Erkelenz (2016): Evaluation of the accuracy of human interpretation of nonverbal-emotional expressive behavior, In Proceedings of the 12th International NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, p.31, Bonn, Germany, 2-3 June 2016
  • G. Heisenberg, M. Ketter, C. Knauf, A. Kowalski (2015): Analysis of the influence of TV program environments on the arousal effect of subsequent commercials, In Proceedings of the 11th International NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, p. 13, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-19 June 2015
  • G. Heisenberg, Y.A. Rezaei, T. Rothdeutsch, W. Heiden (2014): Arm prosthesis simulation on a virtual reality L-shaped workbench display system using a brain computer interface, In Proceedings of the 10th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies, PM Sharkey, L Pareto, J Broeren, M Rydmark (Eds), pp. 109-117, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2-4 Sept. 2014
  • Y. A. Rezaei, G. Heisenberg, W. Heiden (2014): User Interface Design for Disabled People under the Influencing factors of Time, Costs and Efficiency, In Proceedings of the HCI International, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014
  • G. Heisenberg, R.K. Natarajan, Y. A. Rezaei, N. Simon, W. Heiden (2012): Robust EEG time series transient detection with a momentary frequency estimator for the indication of an emotional change, In Proceedings of the 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2012), Saarbrücken, Germany, 24-27 Sept. 2012
  • U. Rothenburg, U. Völlinger, B. Beckmann-Dobrev, A. Figge, G. Goebbels (2010): Validation of accuracy simulating flexible, one-dimensional objects, In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC 2010), 7-9 April, Laval, France, 2010
  • C. Wienss, S. Müller, J. Hedrich, G. Goebbels, M. Göbel, I. Nikitin, N. Hornung (2008): Materialparameter zur Kabelsimulation in VR, In Proceedings of the 5. Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität (GI), Magdeburg, Germany, 2008
  • C. Wienss, J. Scharping, G. Goebbels, I. Nikitin, N. Hornung, S. Mueller, M. Göbel (2008): Complex Cable Bundle Simulation and Validation in VR, In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation (EDAS), Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2008
  • C. Wienss, G. Goebbels (2008): Kabel- und Schlauchsimulation in der Produktentstehung, In Proceedings of the Heinz Nixdorf Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung, Paderborn, Germany, 2008
  • G. Goebbels, M. Göbel, T. Hambürger, N. Hornung, U. Klein, I. Nikitin, O. Rattay, J. Scharping, K. Troche, C. Wienss (2007): Real-time dynamics simulation of cables, hoses and wiring harnesses for high accuracy digital mockups and load analysis, In Proceedings of the Automotive Power Electronics - Salons de l'Aveyron (APE), Paris, France, 2007
  • O. Rattay, Ch. Geiger, J. Herder, G. Goebbels, I. Nikitin (2007): Zweihändige Interaktion in VR Umgebungen, In Proceedings of the Heinz Nixdorf Workshop Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktionstechnik, Paderborn, Germany, 2007
  • Florian Mannuß, André Hinkenjann, Gernot Goebbels, Martin Göbel (2007): Simulation of Flexible Tubes in VR, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing, pp.130-136, Nevada, California, USA, 2007
  • C. Wienss, G. Goebbels, I. Nikitin, S. Mueller, K. Troche, M. Göbel, L. Nikitina (2006): Sceptre - An Infrared Laser Tracking System for Virtual Environments, ACM, In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, pp. 45-50, 2006
  • E. Kruijff, G. Wesche, K. Riege, G. Goeb,els, M. Kunstman, D. Schmalstieg (2006): Tactylus, a pen-input device exploring audiotactile sensory binding, In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp. 312-315, Limassol, Cyprus, 2006
  • N. Hornung, I. Nikitin, G. Goebbels, U. Klein, S. Müller, C. Wienss (2006): fleXengine: Highly Accurate Real-Time Simulation System for Cables, Hoses and Wiring Harnesses with Contacts, In Proceedings of the International Wire and Cable Symposium (IWCS), Inc. Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2006
  • C. Wienss, G. Goebbels, I. Nikitin, S. Mueller (2005): Echtzeit-Deformation und Kollisionserkennung zur virtuellen Operationssimulation, In Proceedings of the 2. Workshop Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, GI, Aachen, Germany, 2005
  • G. Goebbels, K.Troche, M.Braun, A. Ivanovic, A.Grab, K.von Lübtow, R.Sader, F.Zeilhofer, K.Albrecht, K.Praxmarer (2003): ARSyS-Tricorder - Entwicklung eines Augmented Reality Systems für die intraoperative Navigation in der MKG Chirurgie, In Proceedings of the Zweite Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie, CURAC 2003., 4. - 7. November 2003, Nürnberg, Germany, 2003
  • G. Goebbels, V. Lalioti, M. Göbel (2003): Design and evaluation of team work in distributed collaborative virtual environments, In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp. 231-238, Osaka, Japan, 2003
  • G. Goebbels, E. Kruijff, G. Galunic, T.Orthey, A.Ivanovic, L.Sanfilippo (2003): OfuturO - Mixed Reality Desk Environment for Supporting Creativity Methods, In Proceedings of 6th SBC Symposium on Virtual Reality, Riberão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, 2003
  • G. Goebbels, K. Troche, M. Braun, A. Ivanovic, A. Grab, K. von Löbtow, H. F. Zeilhofer, R. Sader, F. Thieringer, K. Albrecht, K.Praxmarer, E. Keeve, N. Hanssen, Z. Krol, and F. Hasenbrink (2002): Development of an augmented reality system for intra-operative navigation in maxillo-facial surgery, In Proceedings of the BMBF Statustagung, pp.237 – 246, Stuttgart, Germany, 2002
  • I. Nikitin, L. Nikitina, P. Frolov, G. Goebbels, M. Göbel, S. Klimenko, G.M. Nielson (2002): Real-time simulation of elastic objects in virtual environments using finite element methods and precomputed Green's functions, In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference Series, Vol. 23, Session: Simulation and preferences, pp. 47-51, Barcelona, Spain, 2002
  • G. Goebbels, V. Lalioti, Th. Mack (2001): Guided Design and Evaluation of Distributed, Collaborative 3D Interaction in Projection Based Virtual Environments, In Proceedings of the HCI International, 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Usability Evaluation and Interface Design: Cognitive Engineering, Intelligent Agents and Virtual Reality, 2002
  • G.Goebbels, V.Lalioti (2001): Co-presence & Co-working in Distributed Collaborative Virtual Environments, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH, 1st International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics and Visualisation, pp.109-114, Cape Town, South Africa, 2001
  • P.Th.Aquino Jr., G.Goebbels, T.G.Kirner, V.Lalioti, M.Göbel (2001): Colaboração em Ambientes Virtuais Distribuídos com Dispositivos de Imersã, In Proceedings of the 4th SBC Symposium on Virtual Reality, pp.148-159, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2001
  • G.Goebbels, P.Th.Aquino, M.Göbel, V.Lalioti (2000): Supporting Team Work in Collaborative Virtual Environment, In Proceedings of the ICAT 2000 - The Tenth International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, pp.42-47, National Taiwan University, October 25-27, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000
  • G.Goebbels, V.Lalioti, M.Göbel (2000): On Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environment, In Proceedings of the HC-2000 - Third International Conference on Human and Computer, September 6-9, Aizu, Japan, 2000
  • X.Yang, G.Goebbels (2000): Distributed Medical Teaching through Responsive Workbench and Cyberstag, In Proceedings of the ICIG2000, First International Conference on Image and Graphic Technology toward 21 Century and Beyond, Tianjin, China, 2000
  • G.Goebbels, N.Fournier, M.Göbel, H.Zilken, W.Frings, T.Eickermann, S.Posse (1999): Remote Visualization of Radiological Data on a Responsive Workbenc, In Proceedings of the CARS '99, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pp. 326-330, Paris, France, 1999
  • T.Eickermann, W.Frings, S.Posse, G.Goebbels, R.Völpel (1999): Distributed Applications in a German Gigabit WAN (Wide Area Network, In Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing HPDC'99, pp.143-148, California, USA, 1999
  • G.Goebbels, C.Kirner (1999): RESE - Remote Education System using a coupled CAVE/Workbench/Monitor environmen, In Pr,eedings of the 5th German-Brazilian Workshop on Information Technology, Königswinter, Germany, 1999

Journals papers

  • G. Heisenberg, M. Esser (2020): Einsatz von Convolutional Neural Networks zur Vorhersage der Popularität eines Instagram-Postings am Beispiel der Marke Mercedes Benz In Swiss Insights Report 2020, S. 15-17, ISSN 2297-1718, 2020
  • M. Bonart, A. Samokhina, G. Heisenberg, P. Schaer (2019): An Investigation of Biases in Web Search Engine Query Suggestions, In Journal of Online Information Review, 2019
  • C. Zabel, G. Heisenberg (2019): Just another Media Cluster ? Einflussfaktoren der Agglomeration von Virtual- und Augmented Reality Unternehmen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, In: Medienwirtschaft, Nr.2, S. 22-31
  • C. Zabel, G. Heisenberg (2018): Die nächste Medien-Evolutionsstufe. Ergebnisse der ersten Grunderhebung zur Virtual- und Augmented-Reality-Branche in NRW, In: promedia, 23.JG, 6, S. 49-50
  • G. Heisenberg, Y.A. Rezaei, T. Rothdeutsch, W. Heiden (2016): Arm prosthesis simulation on a virtual reality L-shaped workbench display system using a brain computer interface, In the Journal of Pain Management, Lena Pareto, Paul M Sharkey & Joav Merrick (Eds); J Pain Manage 2016; 9(3):205-214, ISSN: 1939-5914, 2016
  • G. Goebbels, M. Göbel, A. Hinkenjann, W. Heiden, M. Winzker, R. Herpers, R. Scholl, D. Reinert (2011): Institute of Visual Computing - Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany, In the Journal on 3D Interactive Systems (SBC), Special Issue – VR and HCI Labs, 2011
  • G. Goebbels, V.Lalioti, M.Göbel (2000): On Collaboration in Distributed Virtual Environments, In the Journal of Three Dimensional Images, 14(4), 12, pp. 42-47, Japan, 2000
  • T. Eickermann, W.Frings, F. Hossfeld, S.Posse, G.Goebbels (2000): Global Broadcast - Supercomputer-enhanced functional MRI of the Human Brain, In the Journal IEEE Concurrency, 8(1), pp. 11-13, Jan-March, 2000
  • S. Posse, T.Graf, W.Frings, K.Mathiak, S.Wiese, S.Goebels, H.Zilken, G.Goebbels, V.Kiselev, B.Elghahwagi, T.Eickermann, D. Gembris (1999): Functional Imaging in REal time (FIRE) on a Clinical Whole Body Scanner, In the Journal NeuroImage, Arthur W. Toga and Richard S.J. Frackowiak and John C. azziotta(Eds.), 9(6) part 2, 1999
  • W. Frings, D.Gembris, G.Goebbels (1999): Beim Denken zuschauen - Analyse und 3D-Anzeige von Kernresonanz-Bildern. In Echtzeit im Gigabit-Testbed West, In the Journal DFN-Mitteilungen 49-3/1999, pp. 9-11, 1999


  • G. Heisenberg, T. Hees (2019): Text Mining-Verfahren zur Analyse offener Antworten in Online-Befragungen im Bereich der Markt- und Medienforschung, In (Intelligentes) Text Mining in der Marktforschung, Stützer, C. M., Wachenfeld-Schell, A., & Oglesby, S. (Editors). DGOF-Kompendium der Online-Forschung, Band 1, Köln, 2019, ISBN (PDF): ISBN 978-3-9815106-8-3
  • G. Heisenberg, S. Jauernig, M. Selbst, S. Wiegand (2017): Social Media im Versicherungswesen, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, 2017
  • G. Goebbels, M.Göbel, F.Hasenbrink, V.Lalioti (1998): Virtuelle Arbeitsumgebungen für den medizinischen Einsatz, In Tele- und computergestützte Chirurgie, P. Schlag (ed.), Springer Verlag, 1998
  • R. Vandenhouten, G.Goebbels, M.Rasche, H.Tegtmeier, R.Grebe (1996): SANTIS (Signal ANalysis and TIme Series processing) - ein Werkzeug zur Analyse von Biosignalen, In Biomedizinische Technik, Band 41, Ergänzungsband 1, Schiele & Schön, pp.364-365, Zurich, Switzerland, 1996


  • G. Heisenberg, C. Zabel, V. Telkmann: Virtual-, Mixed- & Augmented Reality in NRW 2018: Potenziale und Bedarfe der nordrhein-westfälischen VR-, MR-, AR-Branche (download)
  • G. Heisenberg, C. Zabel, V. Telkmann: XR in NRW 2019: Potenziale und Bedarfe der nordrhein-westfälischen Virtual, Mixed und Augmented Reality-Branche (download)
  • G. Heisenberg, C. Zabel, V. Telkmann: Cross Reality in Deutschland 2020: Struktur, Potenziale und Bedarfe der deutschen XR-Branche (download)


  • G. Heisenberg (2019, 08.05.): Data Analytics in der Marktforschung: Terminologie und Konzepte Auf
  • G. Heisenberg (2019, 06.06): Process Mining – automatisierte Prozessanalysen für kontinuierliche Transparenz Auf